This Week at RCC

Here is what is happening at Richfield Community Church over the next week

This Sunday: 1ST sERVICE (9-10AM)

9:00 am
Babies & Toddlers (1st Service)
Babies & Toddlers (B-102)
9:00 am
2 and 3 Year Olds (1st Service)
2-3 Year Old Room (B-101)
9:00 am
Pre K (1st Service)
Pre K Room (B-207)
9:00 am
Kinder (1st Service)
Kinder Room (B-205)
9:00 am
1-4th Grade Class (1st Service)
1-4th Room (A-101)

This Sunday: 2nd sERVICE (10:45AM-12pm)

10:45 am
Babies & Toddlers (2nd Service)
Babies & Toddlers (B-102)
10:45 am
2 and 3 Year Olds (2nd Service)
2-3 Year Old Room (B-101)
10:45 am
Pre K (2nd Service)
Kinder Room (B-205)
10:45 am
Kinder (2nd Service)
Kinder Room (B-205)
10:45 am
1-4th Grade Class (2nd Service)
1-4th Room (A-101)
10:45 am
Route 56 (5th & 6th Graders)
Route 56 Room (B-201)

Still Have Questions?

Come join us in person this Sunday or send us an email. We hope to connect with you soon.