
Worship Arts Ministry

The Worship Arts Ministry is open to anyone who wants to use their musical talents to glorify God and build up the church through music.

Worship Arts Ministry

The Worship Arts Ministry is open to anyone who wants to use their musical talents to glorify God and build up the church through music.

We practice Thursday Nights from 6-7pm, anyone is welcome to come and check it out

Develop Your Skills and Belong to Our Worship Community

The Worship Arts Ministry is open to anyone who wants to use their musical talents to glorify God and build up the church through music.

Heart Training

Worship is bigger than just music, it's about a right heart before God.

Skill Training

Sharpen and implement the gifts and skills that God has given to you


mEET Our team

Meet our

Worship Arts Ministry


Chariya Bissonette
Worship Arts Pastor

Chariya has been leading our Worship Arts ministry since 202? and is passionate about building up people and glorifying God with worship


God is worthy of praise and honor in all things

We take worship very seriously because God takes his glory very seriously. We strive to offer God worship that is biblical, musically-excellent, and allows us to improve and sharpen our skills. If you are interested, come visit a practice on a Thursday night to check it out.


Worship Arts Ministry


Check out what is coming up on the calendar

Let get you connected

Interested in learning more? Please reach out! We would love to hear form you.